Wednesday, February 18, 2009

This is the most longest list (that was for alex) that you will read in your life time.

Ok so this is really kinda long and it runs together. try to make some sense of it.

You know you love musicals when…When you meet a girl name Kate you have to keep yourself from asking her to kiss you.You would die for a taste of what Angel had.You secretly hope your friends are homosexual just so you can sing If You Were Gay to them.At your Bachelor/Bachelorette party you have or will make the entire bar sing Get Me To the Church On Time. You wonder why people refer to Elphaba as the wicked witch of the west.If asked to define purpose you would say it’s that little thing that lights a fire under your ass.At some point “SPEAK” was on your answering machine.You say Dancing Queen from Mama Mia rather than by Abba.You meet someone named Bobby you have to call him Bobby Baby.You wonder if Prince Charles sings I Just Can’t Wait to Be King in the shower.You are incapable of crossing the Okalahoma border without belting OOOOOOOOOOKKLLAAAAHHHHOOOOOMMAAAAAAAAA where the wind come sweeping down the plains.Some asked you to go for a hike you go yes we’ll go Into the Woods, and Out of the Woods and Happily Ever After.Fantasia is the girl from Color Purple not the girl from American Idol.For firmly believe If You Got It Flaunt It.When the guy you like falls for another girl you would Why would a fella want a girl like her.You sing in the rain.You will propose with the line Say you’ll share with me one love one lifetime.When you head to the bar for a drink you say Right up here is where I score the juice.You believe all nuns sing their normal conversations.You think Lets Misbehave is a great come-on. Hairspray is not just a way to keep your hair in place.Sara Ramirez is the Lady of the Lake not just a character on Grey’s Anatomy.You know the best way to get over a relationship is to Forget About the Boy.You wonder why your baby sitter/nanny did not sing with you.You have tried to Defy Gravity.You carry handcuffs with you almost always, not to be kinky but so when you do not have them people willl say I didn’t recognize you without the handcuffs.For you things don’t have many colors they are Amazing Technicolor Dreams.When you hear the name Cameron Diaz you wonder why people can’t remember the characters name is Carmen.You sing things that would normally be spokeAny word in the English Language can trigger a song from a musical.You think all aliens will have gender identity issuesYou think Jesus sung his lessons to people. Forget Dorothy you prefer Elphaba.You hear pool and immediately think We’ve got trouble, trouble right here in River CityIf you should paint you fingernails green and it just so happens you do paint your fingernails green. Well if anyone should ask you why you say, “I think it’s pretty.” “I think it’s pretty you reply.”Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah BlahIf someone treats you badly in you mind your think Just you wait ___________. Just you wait. You'll be sorry ___________ and It'll be to late. You like to make the music of the night.When someone says ‘tradition’ you have to stop yourself from dancing while singing, “The papas. The papas. Tradition.”At midnight you can be found sing to the moon about memories.In history your teacher asked if anyone knew about Nubia, you raised your hand “The gods love Nubia”When you start to fall in love you ask yourself What do I need with love?You think schools need to end drug and HIV education, just make the kids watch Rent.When asked about your new roommate and you relationship status you say, and were living in delicious sin.You have Confidence in sunshine.You know everyone public face is a Façade When you meet a woman married to a guy named Harry you can’t help but wonder if she is messing around with someone name Ike.You know a Broadway baby does say goodnight until the dawn.You can immediately site all the difference between stage and film versions of musicals.When you see any everyday occurrence you think this would be a great musical. You realize the biggest mistake the people who produced enchanted made was not to have Idina Menzel sing.Most of your wardrobe is composed of T-shirts of the musicals and plays you have worked on and seen.You made up your mind you going like Elsie.You bought a old fashion razor just so you could sing about vengeance as you walked down the street. You know and understand the hilarity that is Avenue Jew.If asked the time you say ‘It’s got to be close to midnight.’Whenever you think of Transylvania you think of sweet transvestites from transsexual TransylvaniaYou wonder why they never mention Spam in books about the knights of the round tableYou have tried to convince your friends to push tables together and dance on them.You think that flooding your basement and installing a pipe organ is a good idea.Your personal mantra is "nothing matters but knowing nothing matters"When your only rejection line is sometimes the things you most wish for, are not to be touched.When you program all your number codes as 24601 Every time you get out of bed you sing 'Oh What A Beautiful Morning'You think all cats sing when there are no people in the room.You know how to do, do Der Guten Tag Hop-Clop.Deep down you sympathize with Seymour and you hesitate just a bit every time you water your plants.When you see a rainbow and you sing, "somewhere over the rainbow."You leave Kansas and say Toto I don't think we're in Kansas anymoreWhen you say goodnight you also add, "So long fair well until we meet again."You hear the name Hugh Jackman and instead of thinking immediately of X-Men, you think of The Boy From OzYou go to the zoo and wonder how many Animals are imprisoned here.You always think of Judas in red leather pants.You believe that everything sounds better when sung.You have tried to create a musical using some of your favorite songs.You have wished that you could sing anything and everyone around you would join in the chorus and you would all know choreography to go with it.You believe that the key to world peace is song and dance, no one doing these things can remain angry.You can never keep a straight face when people light candlesYou sincerely believe that after seeing Idina in Wicked, Newton's Laws of Gravitation can kiss your rear.You don't know Genesis from Revelations--- but you can flawlessly quote Godspell in your sleep.When people say they want to be like Jesus, you agree, seeing as how Christ is synonymous to Superstar.You know all the words to La Vie Boheme--- and you can explain every reference. Part A and Part B.You can't imagine a world without Julie Andrews -- and not because of Mary Poppins either.You know who Nannette Himmelfarb is.After seeing Kristen Chenoweth, you know that size is nothing.Although you try to hide it, CATS is on your playlist.When you go to New York City, Lady Liberty is the last thing on your mind.Regardless of the fact that Mimi was a HIV positive, stripping, junkie, she's one of your heroes.When welcoming visitors, you can't help but to belt Consider YourselfYou realize that spoken dialogue is over-rated It's hard to imagine a Pharaoh without that Elvis swagger.You're honestly considering naming your children after your favorite performer, writer, director, playwright, etc...You have argued with an historian that Hitler's middle name was Elizabeth.You wanna be a producer!Missing the Tony awards is like missing Christmas.Dorothy and her damn dog can go to hell.... well. Not really. But often at times you find yourself thinking that.You find yourself composing songs for an Harry Potter Musical.Your friends think you are full of yourself when you say that you feel pretty and witty, and etc...You have random rages in which you profess that you are not going to pay rent (Even though you own your house)People try to debate with you when you absent-mindedly profess that Everyone's a Little Bit RacistStephen Schwartz. I think his name speaks for itself.You know what the internet is really for Whenever you move to somewhere or start something new you breakout singing "What’s New, Buenos Aires!"You can't help but picture your first time in a hayloft...when it's raining...on a swingYou've taken to telling everyone "you don't do sadness" Your guilty of calling your boyfriend/girlfriend your "junk" You know what a "Toledo Surprise" isYou don't wanna show off, no moreYou've always wanted to go to Gary, IndianaAny time you go to a greenhouse or plant shop you worry about getting eaten. Reese Witherspoon doesn't even come to mind when you think of Legally BlondeEvery time you've got the flu you sing "Bye, bye life"You simply couldn't stop singing "Let the sunshine in" when you done lesson about war in Vietnam on History.When you wanted to learn your to help teach your younger sibling to talk, the first sentence you try to teach them is 'The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain'If someone is called Frances, there's no way that you'll call her anything but 'Baby'You tried to make your auto mechanist to sing "Grease lighting". It didn't work.You wanted to sue Madonna because you were sure she copied song from "Moulin Rouge!"You could have danced all night.At one time or another, you thought it would be neat to be an orphan, just because you were sure that you would be adopted by a million kagillionaireYour new creed is that “no good deeds go unpunished”You hear someone say 'Bon Voyage' and you can't help but reply "I Hate to say goodbye sweetheart".You check every band to see if they have 76 trombones and 110 cornets and copper bottom timpaniesSomeone asks your for your advice on something and you have restrain yourself from telling them to keep it gay.Your upset and go to your room to listen to show tunes.You still think Siam is a country with only one English woman in a hoopskirt. When all you know about the French revolution, you learned from Les Miserables.You have tried to offer your chaperone champagne.You would never, for any reason, go to a barber shop on fleet street.When you grow up thinking Paul revere is a horse... not a person.You are walking in the rain with the person you are secretly in love with and you start singing "A Little Fall of Rain"You sing "In My Life" hoping that the guy you just met a couple of hours ago will join in with "A Heart Full of Love"Think of the guy you are secretly in love with as Marius and yourself as Eponine though wishing you were CosetteYou don't understand the ParisiansAll you want is a room somewhere, far away room the cold night air....(cockney accents all round, eh?)You know Diamond's are a girls best friend...and CANNOT be convinced otherwiseYou wanna change your name to Maira just so Tony will sing to youYou know where the song "Hey, big spender" actually comes fromYou thoroughly believe EVERY tv show should have at least one musical episodeYour friends have posters of Brad Pitt on their walls, while you have Fred and Gene on yoursIf someone asks "Shall we dance?" you expect three sharp drum beatsYou defiantly know your obsessed when in your yearbook that is exactly the "interesting fact" your friend choose to include in your bio!You can't help but think "Now That I've Seen Her" when you meet a girl who loves your husband.Every time you hold a champagne glass, you can't help but dance the Charleston and sing, "We'll Take A Glass, Together". Rub-a-dub Rub-a-dub Rub-a-dub!!!On some days, burst into song instead of answering a question normally (and expect everyone to join in with the right harmonies and a cool complicated choreography),If you hear someone say the name of a musical, sing a song from it,Sing "There's no business like show business" with your friend who is even more of a fanatic than you are,Every time you help a friend pick out clothes for the dance or a date you sing 'Popular' (Wicked) to her.When you get ready for a date you sing 'Cantata for a first date' (I Love You, Your Perfect, Now Change) to yourself in the mirror.You can perform a whole musical with intermission and whole dances by yourself at any second you feel the need.When you found out that they were making Hairspray into a movie you almost cried with joy.You are sincerely confused why no one will join you in harmony when you burst into song.You place secret cameras next to your cats bed incase she ever decides to sing.You find yourself constantly changing your conversations into musical masterpieces.When you go on an extremely boring date you start singing 'Single Man Draught' to an imaginary audience. (I Love you, Your Perfect, Now Change.)Whenever you go to the dentist, you wonder why he isn't laughing his head off.You want to join the Delta Nu Sorority.You have ratted your hair.You have tried to see how an ice cream felt.After you sing "singing in the rain" you wait, outside, for it to stop raining, so you can sing "let the sun shine". except then you get all choked up and emotional because the song has such a deeper meaning than just sunshine, so you start ranting at the nearest person about war, rights, freedom, power, and superficiality.You find yourself debating to different people that there should be an X-Men Musical, because you know most of the actors in the movies can sing.When you also know that you've got to pick a pocket or two.You never leave the house without a smile because you know that your never fully dressed without one. (Annie)You've always wanted to see the Chrysler building to see it shine. (Annie)You don’t care that Ginger Rodgers can dance, as long as she is wearing an ostrich feather dress, and is being led around the floor by Fred Astaire. (Top Hat)Your idea of a wet dream is seven backwoods men brothers who are all as tall as 'church steeples' (Seven Brides for Seven Brothers)You've always tried to find that small town in Scotland, because it only shows up once every hundred years (Brigadoon)You think that if a man is calling long distance from New York, that it is certain that he will propose. (Meet me in St. Louis)You agreed with Barnaby and wanted to see the stuffed whale instead of the girls. (hello dolly)Whenever you see a guy with a beard you fight the urge to say "He has the head of a goat!!" (the King and I)When you and a friend are singing a theme song down the hall, and are delighted and scared to death when someone random behind you joins inAll that you know about the American Revolution, you learned from "1776". When you go to a job interview you sing "I hope I get it, God I hope I get it" over and over in your headYou know every quote on this page, every musical that every quote is from and own a copy of the soundtrack You've never looked at meat pies the same.You'd give money for a monster school.As soon as someone says "I wish" you cut in with "Do you know what you wish? Are you sure what you wish is what you want?"You look for the Pricilla Hotel and Nutty Cracker Suite on a trip to New York City.You drain your bank account to go see shows and buy shirts when they come to your town.
You want someone to wear a Green Green Dress, just so you can sing the song.You wish that YOU lived in Alphabet City.You think Dorothy is a brat -- they were Elphie's shoes to begin with!!Whenever someone says the name Maria, you burst out with "I am in love with a girl named MAAARIAAAA"
When you knew pink goes good with green before the trend...You get into a fight if Kristin is spelled with an "e"...even on someone else's name. When someone whines you start singing "How Lucky You Are" from Suessical. You know half of the words in your English class from some musical. (asylum=Bedlam=Sweeney Todd)You have been in a Lloyd Webber vs. Sondheim fight. (SONDHEIM)"Joseph" taught you more about the Bible then your Theology class. You buy a straight razor and sing "My Friends" to it...even though you can't even shave...You check daily on youtube to find fanvids of your favorite TV show and Musical. You think "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist" and back it up with the hit musical "Springtime for Hitler"You'd rather have RENT tickets than a cell phone
when you get upset when people spell Kristin Chenoweth's name with an "e" (Kristen).when seeing a pink object near a green object, you want to shout out, "Pink goes good with green!"
When someone says "I wish" you say "I wish I could go to the festival!" When you text your friends each time you come up with a good drag queen name.When offered a snow cone, you start singing "Piragua"When in a video store and somebody is going to rent something, you only hear one word in their sentence and say "The copies of RENT are over there!"You keep all of your playbills.You have gone stage-door hopping before.You know the story of Dr. Frankenstein's grandson.You sing whenever one of your friends turns 13You sing whenever you want somebody to join you.Right after you saw [title of show], you and your friends started to write your own musical and documented everything that happened.When someone starts singing, you say "Is it just me, or did it just get 3 degrees gayer in here?"You sing "Left Behind" at funerals.You talk sing "The Song of Purple Summer" during the summer . . . and winter . . . and fall and spring.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The annoying habits of men and animals

Welcome back to chez cristofe. Tonight I am going to talk about something that has been bothering me lately. This would be the unnecessary need of people to be annoying. My personal experience with this stems from an issue that I personally wish would resolve itself. Unfortunately for me nothing works like that. I of course have to fix things myself because for some reason my entire life no one has ever tried to fix things with me even if it was their fault.

How do I propose that we fix this problem? well personally I would say that we need to get rid of the drama. Again, it doesn't work that way. So my modest proposal is that we eat the children of the irish. Just Kidding. That was a reference to "A Modest Proposal" by some dead guy. If the readers know who I am talking about then feel free to correct me. Seriously though, my proposal is that you all write to your senators and suggest a law that makes people who have offended someone to make amends within twenty-four hours lest they be banished to mexico. That is my thought and I'm sorry it's soo short but here it is. Goodbye.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

This past guard comp.

Hello again. First off I would like to thank my followers and second I would like to say how proud I am of the two Sand Creek High School guards. The Regional A guard took second place in their division with a score of fifty eight. The Novice guard in their first judged show ever took a 58 placing them in first in their division. For our first judged run of the season I think that that was a great showing. A quick anouncement first. This coming saturday, february twenty-first, Sand Creek High School is hosting it's very first judged show. With festivities starting at two thirty, doherty will start things and the world class signature will end them at roughly eight thirty being followed by the schs/vrhs rmpa exhibitioning while scores are being tabulated. This is the second biggest competition. thirty-four of the fourty something guards that are in our area are going to be there. I invite everyone to come. It promises to be fun

Friday, February 13, 2009

My first ever blog.

Hello everyone.

So as you may have gathered from the name of the blog this is my first ever blog experience and not only am I excited but i'm rather... what's the word??????? well I don't know....... I guess excited is the right word. Of course I repeat the word excited at risk of sounding redundant but oh well. So wish me luck and I will try to keep you entertained.