Sunday, May 31, 2009

A rant written by a very respectable and enjoyable young woman.

I was recently on my "Facebook" page reading a note in which I was tagged. It was written by a young lady, Miss Kristina Sherman, who enjoys ranting but defends people who she finds are being victimized. An obviously respectable little lady.

Here it is:

"I don't watch the news much, just like any other stereotypical, apathetic teenager, but a recent headline has caught my attention. California, one of the most liberal states in our nation, has banned gay marriage.

Frankly, I'm appalled.

Was I naive enough to believe that our country could move forward from the shackles of oppression that we have strove to eliminate with the simple sentence that began our Declaration of Independence, that each one of us has the right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness? I have hardly faced oppression in our world, to be honest, but I don't need to be a victim to see such an obvious wrong.

I know that there are some people who are opposed to gay marriage because of religious reasons, saying that marriage between people of the same gender is sinful, and I have to remind them that this country was established without the will of God in mind; if you do the proper thing and leave the matters of church and state separate, what reasoning do you have left to argue your point?

Why is it so difficult for this great nation, one that promotes freedom and democracy with more fervor than any other, to change? Are we arrogant enough to think that our doctrine is so perfect that the slightest change will raze our structure to anarchy and that we have reached the pinnacle of democracy? It won't and we haven't; did chaos ensue when the 15th and 19th Amendments were passed?

No, it didn't.Change is inevitable; that's why our Founding Fathers made it possible to amend our Constitution. They were thinking ahead, so why can't everyone else?"

Thank you Kristina for supporting the fact that everyone should be equal. Whether we are gay, lesbian, straight, poor, rich, black, white or purple.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hey gang.

Here is the link to Eric Whitacres blog on which the idea that was proposed in choir today.

Coolio. Check it out. It sounds like a fun idea.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The flaws of shopping from stupid people.

Let me just get right to it, if I'm shopping for something, I don't want you to tell me that you are out of what I'm buying from you. If you are out, so am I. Second, If you aren't out, don't bring me something in a ripped box and threads being ripped from the item. In other words, don't try to sell me something that has been returned. If the first person didn't want it because of the loose threads, what makes you think I want it. Because of that, I'm out of your store in a heart beat... or two heart beats because those shoes are kinda cute... do you have a size 12?